July 23, 2010
GenCon Schedule
Aug 5 - Thursday
10am - Seminar - "Ins & Outs of the Publishing Industry
1pm - Seminar - "Breaking into RPG Writing"
4pm - Seminar - "Podcasting: An Introduction"
Aug 6 - Friday
10am - Seminar - "It's Cool to be Oldschool - Discussing the OSR"
12pm - Auction
4pm - Seminar - "Podcasting: Content and Distribution"
8pm - Ennie Awards
Aug 7 - Saturday
10am - Seminar - "Eureka!Cooking up adventure plots with Gnomestew"
1pm - Seminar - "World building 101"
2pm - Seminar - "World building in an hour"
3pm - Auction
Aug 8 - Sunday
10am - 130pm - Dealers floor
Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
July 8, 2010
I've still been hacking away at my next VisionVenture module called "Into the Darkness". I seem to be having a problem with room descriptions and writers block has set it.
It got me starting to think outside the box.
Why do I have to have room descriptions when the mapped room shows what's in it?
What about adding some bullet points versus a lengthy descriptions?
What if I only describe the room in basic ways
Size 20x20
Light: none
Furniture: broken
Monsters: Kobold (stats)
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
July 6, 2010
I've been hashing out the major religions and faiths in Ebonyr the past few weeks. I want one or two monotheistic faiths as well as polytheistic. I have two other religions that are "mystical" in nature. I was having some problems actually creating the polytheistic faith. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks last night. Create what the classical world had, have different polytheistic religions in different parts of Ebonyr. See was creating one, world-spanning, poly religion and that wasnt woki...
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
fantasy religion
June 26, 2010
Maps, maps, maps… I try one format and like it till I see
something else that I like. All I really want is a simple, colorful map that
gives the basic layout of the city or town. Added points of interest should be
easy enough. I saw the current map format on some Middle Earth site last night
and I decided to go that route. I was getting tired of creating each building in
the city using AutoRealm. Don’t get me wrong, I like using Autorealm for more
"close up" views of a certain area of the...
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
June 19, 2010
Well I think all the nations of
Ebonyr has a flag now. I'm working on Coat of Arms for some of them. I've also created some
new maps for the major cities.
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
June 14, 2010
Just finished the 2nd level of the Visionventures module, Into the Darkness. I have the encounters and rooms partially written. I'm going to start sketching out level 3 in the next few days.
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
June 10, 2010
I was messing around with
Autorealm tonight and came up with a cool map for the adventure module, Into the Darkness. I wanted a map that can be printed pretty easy with as little ink as possible.
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
June 5, 2010
It looks like my web company,
Yola.com, has updated some widgets and the WYSIWYG editor. So I decided to move the
Ebonyr campaign setting back over to
Knightvisionstudios.com vs. my Google Sites page. This way its all in one place and easy to navigate and update. I've added some new maps, nations as well as flags.
I'm also working on city maps using the
Autorealm program.
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
May 16, 2010
We'll I had an extra couple of hours to kill today, so I started working on the level 1 dungeon map or "Into the Darkness". I'm going to use an arrow icon to show stairs up/down. Again, I used Paint Shop Pro to make this map.
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :
May 15, 2010
I started fleshing out my notes for the next
Visionventures module, Into the Darkness. This module will use the
Swords & Wizardry core rules and be for 1st and 2nd level PCs.
The PCs will be tasked to explore and map an abandoned prison complex. I've created several maps to start out this adventure.

Prison complex surface map

Central tower map
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Posted by Jay Michaels. Posted In :